Love After Abuse
Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent

Love After Abuse

How will I know when I’ve found a healthy relationship? I wish there was a simple answer to this question. One of the most important characteristics of a healthy relationship is both partners feeling safe. This can be tricky because it’s different than feeling comfortable. Sometimes, we stay in relationships because they are familiar even if we aren’t happy or if our needs are consistently unmet.

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The Need to Please
Relationships Kelly Vincent Relationships Kelly Vincent

The Need to Please

People-pleasing can often be associated with an emotional wound or trauma. It is a behavioral response that is utilized to feel and keep “safe.” We are diving a little deeper into the people-pleasing experience and a few ways to shift out of this specific coping response.

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The Benefits of Gratitude
Holistic Health Kelly Vincent Holistic Health Kelly Vincent

The Benefits of Gratitude

Gratitude can have a significant impact on both your mental and physical health. So, what is it exactly? “Scientists conceptualize gratitude as both a state and a trait” (Jans-Beken, L., et al, 2020). It’s something that can become a part of how we see ourselves and the world around us (that is dependent on the state we are in) as well as something that we can intentionally do.

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The Biology of High “Functioning” Anxiety
Kelly Vincent Kelly Vincent

The Biology of High “Functioning” Anxiety

What is the biology behind high “functioning” anxiety? In today’s blog, we are breaking down what may be happening inside the body (and the nervous system) when it comes to experiencing high “functioning” anxiety.

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