A Path to Relieving Chronic Pain
Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent

A Path to Relieving Chronic Pain

Holistic psychotherapy offers hope for chronic pain sufferers. This comprehensive approach addresses psychological triggers, stress reduction, coping strategies, and lifestyle factors, leading to lasting relief and improved well-being. If you're living with chronic pain, consider holistic psychotherapy as part of your pain management strategy for a more comprehensive solution.

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Attachment Styles & Our Relationships

Attachment Styles & Our Relationships

Attachment styles are patterns of relating to others, primarily formed in early childhood through interactions with caregivers. These styles play a significant role in shaping how individuals approach emotional intimacy and relationships, impacting their trust, vulnerability, and behavior. Working with a licensed mental health professional is a safe and supportive way to address and potentially change one's attachment style.

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Embodiment: Coming Home to Ourselves

Embodiment: Coming Home to Ourselves

The text explores the concept of embodiment, emphasizing the importance of reconnecting with the physical body in a culture that often prioritizes intellectual and emotional aspects over the physical. It defines embodiment as the experience of being a body in a social context and highlights the significance of exteroception, proprioception, and interoception in creating a felt sense of self.

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Love After Abuse
Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent Mind-Body Connection, Mental Health Kelly Vincent

Love After Abuse

How will I know when I’ve found a healthy relationship? I wish there was a simple answer to this question. One of the most important characteristics of a healthy relationship is both partners feeling safe. This can be tricky because it’s different than feeling comfortable. Sometimes, we stay in relationships because they are familiar even if we aren’t happy or if our needs are consistently unmet.

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