Sound healer


Specializes in accessing deeper states of consciousness and self-awareness, through music, guided meditation and energy healing



Jazmine Amelia is a sound healing practitioner and Usui Reiki master, specializing in accessing deeper states of consciousness and self-awareness, through music, guided meditation and energy healing.

She grew up in a musical, Puerto Rican household where every life milestone was a joyous reason for celebration. Over a decade since adding crystal singing bowls & gongs to her musical instrument repertoire, she now shares her love of sacred music, ritual, and ceremony.

Through sound bath sessions, a passive modality where your main focus is to "tune-in" to the music, Jazmine focuses on grounding, centering and clearing all layers of your energy body.


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Areas of Speciality

  • Stress and anxiety management

  • Strengthen self-regulation

  • Access deeper states of consciousness

  • Activate body’s innate healing and repairing mechanisms

  • Nervous system regulation

 Not sure where to start? Let us help.